Helen Lederer
Helen Lederer shared stages with comedy pioneers like Ben Elton and John Hegley, and TV screens with Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Harry Enfield, and many
others. From the iconic Absolutely Fabulous, to The Young Ones, Bottom, Happy Families, Naked Video, French and Saunders and Girls on Top. From writing radio shows, to performing on the West End, to Children’s TV, it is difficult to think of a comedy show that Helen wasn’t a part of. Her appearance in Celebrity Big Brother led to her temporarily trending on Twitter (now X). Her first comedy novel ‘Losing It’, published by Pan Macmillan, was nominated for the PG Wodehouse comedy literary prize. Helen set up her own Comedy Women In Print Prize (CWIP) in 2018 in order to celebrate and enable witty women’s writing and create a platform for women’s wit.

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Helen Lederer