The Path of Peace - Walking the Western Front Way
Sunday 14 May from 12:00 to 13:00
Adult £14
Child £7
Without a permanent home, a wife or job, and with no clear sense of where his life was going, Anthony Seldon set out on a 1,000-kilometre pilgrimage from the French-Swiss border to the English Channel. The route was inspired by a young WWI British soldier, Alexander Douglas Gillespie, who dreamed of creating a 'Via Sacra' to honour the fallen. Tragically, Gillespie was killed in action, his vision forgotten until a chance discovery galvanised Anthony into seeing the Via Sacra permanently established. Touching on grief, loss and the legacy of war, The Path of Peace is a triumphant rediscovery of what matters most in life. Chaired by Gerry Foley.